Frequently asked questions
Q. What should I wear?
A. Whatever you want! Church is where you can come as you are, so wear whatever makes you feel most confident and comfortable. You will see people dressed up and dressed down – from spring dresses to jeans and t-shirts.
Q. What time should I arrive?
A. We recommend arriving 10-15 minutes before the service starts. Complimentary coffee will be available in our Fellowship Hall, and staff will be at our Connection Centers to assist with anything you may need during your visit.
Q. Is there anything for kids?
A. Calvary Kids classes for Nursery through Pre-K will be held during the Good Friday and Easter services. Your kids will have a blast learning in their age-appropriate environment.
Q. How long is the service?
A. Each service is about an hour long. During our time together, we will worship by singing, praying, and studying Scripture as we continue in our Easter series, “All Things New.”