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Online Bulletin

Today's Sermon - James: Steady Faith in a Troubled World (Boasting)
 James 4:13-5:6 | Message Outline | Kids Notes | Coloring Page | Global Insert


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Giving Above & Beyond

Our annual Thanksgiving Offering is an opportunity to give a one-time gift to support both global and local ministry efforts. Our gratitude to God overflows into generosity to others! Give online, in the lobby, or during our 10:00am Thanksgiving Day service. Simply designate your gift Thanksgiving Offering
Find Out More



Women Praying for the World

Join us Thursday, November 21, at 9:30am in Room 317 to hear from Johanna Spangenberg and enjoy a special worship time.


Impact the Next Generation

 Did you know that a person’s worldview begins forming as early as 15-18 months? Come show children the love of Christ and point their hearts toward Him. Positions are available with kids six months to four years on Sunday mornings, Tuesday mornings, and Wednesday evenings. Fill out the I’m In form to let us know you’re interested.
I'm In


Surviving the Holidays

GriefShare “Surviving the Holidays” will be held today at 2:00pm in room 320. This program is open to all who have suffered a loss. No registration is necessary. Questions? Contact Karen at (717) 940-7186.



Pastoral Team Visits

Our hospital visitation team is available to visit and care for those who are in the hospital. However, because of HIPAA privacy regulations, we may not be informed of your hospitalization (especially if admitted through the ER). Please inform the hospital that you attend Calvary Church, so they can let us know of your admittance.


Warriors of the Word Presentation

The Warriors of the Word fall class will hold their final presentation on Monday, November 11, at 6:30pm. You’re invited to join them in room 320 to hear the participants recite their memorized Scripture passages.



Ladies - Save the Date!

 Gather 2025 is coming on Saturday, March 22. More information will be available soon.



Global & Family Prayer: Wednesday, November 13, 6:30pm. 

Baptism Class: Have you been baptized since becoming a believer? We encourage you to share your story and make this public declaration of following Jesus! Join us today at 11:00am in the lobby conference room to find out more about taking this next step. Sign up here.

Discover Calvary: For those exploring Calvary Church, or taking a first step in membership, join us Sunday, November 17, at 9:30am in the East Room. Our staff will provide insight into who we are, where we’re going, and how we all fit together. Sign up here.

Financial summaries through October 31 are available at the Connection Centers.


Praying For One Another

LGH: Kennan Stryker      
Hershey Med: 
Aida Graupera   
UPMC - Lititz: Carol Kensinger

Pray for the short-term team serving in Southeast Europe through November 12.

Stay Connected

Watch Live on the MyCalvary App, Facebook, or calvarychurch.org/live
Ukrainian interpretation at 9:30am | Sign language, Spanish interpretation, and WDAC FM 94.5 broadcast at 11:00am
Wifi password: Pursuing Life  (don't forget the space!)