April 5, 2022
Calvary made an initial donation of $50,000 distributed amongst several organizations connected directly with local churches in Ukraine and the surrounding region. They have expressed their gratitude and have shared how the money is making a difference. There are ongoing needs and we want to give you the opportunity to participate. Any money given to our benevolent fund from April 3 through April 24 will go towards these relief efforts in Ukraine. Calvary has a connection to each of the organizations and they are been fully vetted. As you consider giving, we would encourage your gift to be over and above your regular and ongoing giving to Calvary Church. The benevolent fund currently has enough money to meet our regular benevolent needs during the month of April so there is no concern that this giving will negatively impact those ongoing needs. Click here to give online towards Ukraine and be sure to choose benevolent in the drop-down option.
March 15, 2022
In responding to the needs in Ukraine and the surrounding countries, Calvary has identified 5 ministries we feel are strategic to support. Those ministries are Tomorrow Clubs, AgConnect Ministries Moldova, SEND Ukraine, Hope International, and Teach Beyond. Here are just a few reasons we feel these ministries are strategic partners.
Tomorrow Clubs has several Calvary members on their board and many from the church have been a part of their ministry in Ukraine in years past. We have been assured that “every dollar given will go directly to local churches and Christ-followers in our network who are providing food and shelter to refugees.” AgConnect has about 25 people from Calvary involved in their ongoing work in Moldova. This ministry is in a unique position to be able to channel funds directly to local churches in Moldova who are actively involved in helping refugees from Ukraine find a safe place and provide them with food, water, and other necessities. Those involved from Calvary have been in these churches and have had direct contact with these pastors in Moldova. Each of the other three organizations has similar stories and connections. Calvary was able to immediately give $10,000 to each of these organizations ($50,000 total) because you understand the value and priority of faithfully giving to the local church. We provided these funds from our benevolent and global ministry special opportunity funds without needing to take a special offering because the people of Calvary Church want to make sure we are always at the ready to respond when these types of needs arise.
This Wednesday, the elders will discuss how we would like to move forward with further relief efforts. Part of that plan will be determined as we continue to hear from these 5 ministries regarding their ongoing needs. IF the elders decide to open a Ukraine fund to give further towards these efforts, we will communicate that clearly. In the meantime, thank you for your consistent, regular and faithful giving to Calvary which allowed us to make this initial donation, and for your ongoing prayers for all the people impacted by this war in that region.